Vectron Firmengebäude in Münster

Brief Portrait of the Company

Information on trading data

Total number of shares

Amount of share capital in Euro

Share structure
Shift4 (>70 %)

Deutsche Börse Listing Partner und Designated Sponsor
Oddo Seydler Bank AG
Schillerstr. 27-29
60313 Frankfurt/M.

2. and 3. Designated Sponsor
Bankhaus M.M. Warburg & Co., Hamburg
Hauck & Aufhäuser Privatbankiers AG, Frankfurt/Main

Oddo Seydler Bank AG, Frankfurt/Main

Information about the company

Date founded
21st March 2006

Accounting standard

Fiscal Year
Calendar year

Management Board
Thomas Stümmler 
Dr. Ralf-Peter Simon

Information about the company

Supervisory Board
Prof. Dr. Dr. Claudius Schikora (chairman)
Jordan Frankel (deputy chairman)
Luke Thomas

Short description of the company
With more than 250,000 POS systems sold to date, Vectron Systems AG is one of the largest European suppliers of POS solutions. Building on this, the area of apps integrated into the POS systems as well as digital and cloud-based services is becoming increasingly important in the catering and bakery sectors. The spectrum of solutions ranges from loyalty and payment functions to omni-channel ordering, online reservations and online reporting. 

In the retail segment, the wholly owned subsidiary acardo AG is one of the leading providers of consumer activation tools, such as coupons, cashback solutions and consumer apps in Germany. These are currently used in more than 30,000 shops, consisting of grocery shops, drugstores, cinemas and pharmacies. acardo offers its customers a full service, from conception and technical implementation to coupon clearing. Customers include the largest companies in their respective industries, such as EDEKA, Müller, Nestlé, Unilever, Kellogg's, Krombacher, Coca-Cola, PEPSI, Beiersdorf, Hexal, CinemaxX, Cineplex, Universal and Warner Bros.

The merger with Shift4 took place in June 2024. The US group, which is listed on the New York Stock Exchange and has sales of more than USD 2.5 billion (2023), is a leading provider of software and payment processing solutions. Shift4 serves customers of all sizes across a wide range of industries, from small local owner-operated businesses to multinational corporations trading globally. The latter will be served seamlessly in the US and Europe as a result of the merger. Shift4 will provide strategic and financial support to Vectron Systems AG's current business strategy to expand its market position and support growth strategies in Germany and other European markets. Vectron will distribute Shift4's payment solution in Germany and several European countries.