Vectron Systems AG: Quarter result – slight sales increase compared to Q4/2017
- Despite an expected restrained demand in the core market compared to 2017 Vectron achieved, due to marketing, sales and partner promotions, revenues of EUR 7.4m in the first quarter of 2018 although this is traditionally a weaker sales period. This equals an increase of 6.3 % compared to Q4 2017(EUR 6.9 m.) which usually tends to be stronger saleswise.
The company expects in 2018 an ongoing restrained demand, but the market will show a significant increase in demand in 2019 at the latest because on 01.01.2020 the act on protection against manipulation of digital basic records and the cash security ordinance come into effect. In contrast to the present regulation these legislations are combined with the threat of high fines. The use of a technical security device in all cash registers is prescribed from this date onwards. According to own current polls more than 30 % of customers have not yet implemented the changeover to POS systems complying with the applicable financial laws. Further sales potential results of the above mentioned upcoming legislations, that require to adapt already changed systems at this time once again.
Simultaneously to the expansion of the core business, Vectron is developing new digital business models in order to generate and establish additional sales and revenue streams. Therefore, targeted investments are made in software development and cloud-based services such as “GetHappy”, a cooperation with Coca-Cola. These investments were financed from the current cash flow and aim to ensure the digital transformation strategy and realignment of Vectron into a full-size system solution provider. Based on these investments Vectron attained in the first quarter of 2018 an EBITDA of EUR -0.18 m (Q4/2017: EUR -0,12 m).
Oliver Kaltner
Vectron Systems AG
Willy-Brandt-Weg 41
48155 Münster, Germany
phone +49 (0)251 28560
fax +49 (0)251 2856-564