Ad hoc News

Ad hoc News of the Vectron Systems AG

Vectron Systems AG: Vectron revises the current forecast for 2024 and 2025
Vectron Systems AG: Business Combination with the Shift4 group to be completed, Delisting planned
Vectron Systems AG: Vectron enters into Business Combination Agreement, resolves 10% capital increase without subscription rights of the shareholders and supports voluntary public acqusition offer
Vectron Systems AG: Vectron raises forecast for the current business year 2023
Vectron Systems AG: Medium-term forecast for the next 3 years
Vectron Systems AG: Vectron presents preliminary figures 2022
Vectron Systems AG: Vectron takes over acardo
Vectron Systems AG: Vectron with further cost reductions
Vectron Systems AG: Vectron launches programme to strengthen earnings sustainably
Vectron Systems AG: Jens Reckendorf resigns from the Management Board of Vectron Systems AG
Vectron Systems AG: Vectron adjusts planning for the current business year 2022
Vectron Systems AG: Vectron publishes target figures for the current business year 2022
Vectron Systems AG: Vectron publishes preliminary figures for the business year 2021
Vectron Systems AG: Planning 2021
Vectron Systems AG: Dr. Ralf-Peter Simon appointed to the Management Board of Vectron Systems AG
Vectron Systems AG: Preliminary figures 2020
Vectron Systems AG: Impact of the ongoing lockdown on Vectron planning 2021
Vectron Systems AG: Supervisory Board member Buss resigns from office at the end of 2020 for personal reasons
Vectron Systems AG: Revised medium-term planning for the financial years 2020-2022
Vectron Systems AG: Coronavirus affects planning but is no existential danger
Vectron Systems AG: Vectron Systems AG Capital Increase fully placed at EUR 15.10 per new share.
Vectron Systems AG: Vectron Systems AG resolves capital increase from authorized capital amounting to around approx. 10 per cent
Vectron Systems AG: Chairman of the Supervisory Board Ehlers resigns from office at the General Assembly 2020
Vectron Systems AG: Medium-term planning
Vectron Systems AG: Primepulse is new anchor shareholder of Vectron Systems
Vectron Systems AG: Digital loyalty solution planned for the hospitality industry: DeutschlandCard and Vectron sign Letter of Intent
Vectron Systems AG: Oliver Kaltner leaves Vectron
Vectron Systems AG: Silvia Ostermann becomes COO
Vectron Systems AG: Silvia Ostermann becomes COO
Vectron Systems AG: Annual result 2017 after approval of the financial statements by the Supervisory Board of Vectron Systems AG
Vectron Systems AG: Annual result 2017 after approval of the financial statements by the Supervisory Board of Vectron Systems AG
Vectron Systems AG: Oliver Kaltner becomes CEO of Vectron Systems AG
Vectron Systems AG: Quarterly Figures
Vectron Systems AG: Revocatory actions without effect on operations
Vectron Systems AG: Announcement regarding capital increase from company funds and request to accept the new shares in accordance with Section 214 AktG
Vectron Systems AG: Capital increase from company's funds
Vectron Systems AG: Strong growth in first half-year 2017
Vectron Systems AG: Strong growth continues in first quarter 2017
Vectron Systems AG: Vectron Systems AG admitted to quality segment 'Scale' of the German stock exchange
Vectron Systems AG: Sales record in 2016